For 2024 we’ve kicked our structure around and ramped up the processes and tools we use to deliver more excellent smile raising work.
Rik is now Managing Director, always there for clients, but with more focus on how we work and what else we can do to be even more positive and effective.
The excellent Michelle is now Creative Production Director, so if you have a brief big or small, send it over and she’ll rally the most talented team and respond.
We welcome Tommy Mansell (9 years at Bearded Kitten!) as Production + Operations Director who we snapped up when he moved West. He’s going to push our production and operations across all live projects and the ongoing storage and regular work we do for our clients.
Also Jack Horner (founder of FRUKT, STRYKK, nearfield and more) is our creative strategist and advisor. He’s been in the background for most of 2023 and is rolling up sleeves on creative tasks and thinking beyond the live experience too.
As Kermit said, it’s not easy being green. But he didn’t have Victoria Robinson as Sustainability Lead working on our B-Corp application and improving our processes.
We’ve also built a grown up meeting room so we have space for big online and in person meetings and a massive white board to create massive and brilliant ideas. Obviously it has a neon smiley face too.
* This story comes from our mailing list. Read more HERE
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